This year I launched WPCoffeeTalk! It’s a podcast all about people in the WordPress community. It’s exciting for me to be able to interview people in all stages of their WordPress careers, and from all over the global community. You will be able to listen online or watch and listen on YouTube.
If you’d like to be on the show with me, sponsor me, or have me use your mug on the show, just complete the proper form on the site!
Guest Spots
It’s been such a pleasure to be a guest on the following podcasts:
WP Roundtable with Kyle Maurer (September 2018)
WPMRR with Joe Howard (February 2019)
Captain Cats and the Nightrider with Simon Jimenez (March 2019)
Hallway Chats (April 2019)
BoldGrid: BoldLife (June 2019)
Women in WP (July 2019)
Podcasting with WordPress with BobWP (October 2019)
wp_contribute with Christina Workman (December 2019)
Press Forward Podcast with WP&UP (February 2020)
WPBuilds with Nathan Wrigley and Guests (April 2020)
WPBuilds with Nathan Wrigley and Guests (June 2020)
WPBuilds with Nathan Wrigley and Guests (July 2020)
The First Click (September 2020)
Nonprofit Radio (October 2020)
WPBuids with Nathan Wrigley and Guests (January 2021)